VRaniML™ 3D Graphics Library
Read, write and render VRML filesr
Your 3D Graphics Library
VRaniML™ is a VRML 2.0 C++ class library for building 3D graphics applications. Most of the VRML 2.0 specification is supported including DEF/USE, PROTOs, ROUTEs and the VRML execution model.
Download the sample VRML browser and SDK for free. You may purchase the source code here: VRaniML Library

Advanced Features

- Progressive Mesh support allowing for progressive transmission of geometric nodes over the internet (with a suitable file server) and continuous level of detail creation and geomorphing
- Boolean operations on geometric objects including union, intersection, difference, splitting plane
- Persistent cache (including multiple directory searching) so files that are already present locally need not be fetched over the internet
- Frame rate specification to allow for continuous (non-jerky) animation on a broad range of platforms
- Renderer independence, supporting both OpenGL and D3D
- Traverser technology (that is, the separation of traversals from the scene graph) allows for rapid extensions of library
- Rapid geometric queries as a result of solid modeling underpinnings (i.e. What vertices border this face, What edges touch this vertex)
Basic Features
- A rich set of underlying geometric and 3D graphics classes collection classes (arrays, lists, queues, stacks, maps, …)
- Geometric classes (vector2, vector3, matrix, plane, ray, …
- Utility classes (file, image, sound, …)
- Time classes
- Runtime typing support
- All geometric objects are based on the Progressive Mesh data structure allowing for progressive transmission of VRML 2.0 files over the internet as well as continuous LOD Creation (support coming…)
- Code that looks like MFC (but isn’t) making for easy learning curve for MFC programmers
- Every class has copy constructors, equals operators (operator=) and a Clone function making copying of an entire scene graph a one line operation
- Scene graphs are serializable allowing for very compact binary storage
- Supports VRML 2.0 execution model including TimeSensor, Interpolators and all other Sensors
- Multimedia support for VRML 2.0 audio and sound nodes, movie textures, etc…
- For all classes, each data member is protected and every interesting member function is virtual, making extension of the class library a snap.
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